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Week 2 Summer 1
28 Apr 2023
Well done for another brilliant week Year 4.
In Maths, we have finally come to the end of our unit on Decimals. The children have spent over 5 weeks learning about Decimals, and they have done very well. This week, we ended our unit by looking at rounding decimals to whole numbers, comparing decimals and knowing halves and quarters in both fraction and decimal form.
During our Reading lessons, we have continue with our novel: Alice in Wonderland. The children have been exploring different comprehension skills, such as inference, vocabulary and retrieval. They were able to infer how characters were feeling from their body language and the description of speech.
In DT/Science, we have continued looking at the digestive system and teeth. The children showed a fantastic understanding of the different organs used within the digestive system and what their functions are. Well done Year 4.