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Week 4 Spring 2
17 Mar 2023
Year 4 have been working very hard during assessment week. They completed two Maths, a Reading comprehension, GPS and spelling test. Well done.
During the afternoons this week, we have been enjoying our foundation subjects.
In Geography, the children researched at least one of the most famous mountains in the UK. They had to find out facts such as the height, location, wildlife surrounding it and the tourism that it brings it's local area.
For our Art lesson, the children were able to paint their Bankura clay horses that they created during the shared learning afternoon. Some of the children created such beautiful designs, using colours that compliment each other well.
The best part of our week was our class assembly. Thank you very much to everyone who attended it. The children had worked so hard rehearsing, and they did an amazing job. We are so proud of every single one of them.
Happy weekend.