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Week 4 Spring 1
27 Jan 2023
Another great week in Year 4.
In English, the children finished their setting descriptions. We had some truly brilliant pieces of writing, with rich vocabulary, figurative language and brackets being used by every child. I was so proud of their work and how far they have progressed with their writing.
During our Reading lessons, we have continued with the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The children have really got to know the characters in the story, and have been able to write about teh characters and also from the characters' perspectives too.
One final note: thank you so much to every family member who came into school for our shared learning on Thursday. The children had an amazing time and it was fantastic to see so many of you in school to support their learning. There were some beautiful clay sculptures made! We cannot wait to do our shared learning again next term.
Thank you again and have a lovely weekend.