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Week 2 Autumn 2
11 Nov 2022
Well done for another great week Year 4.
In Science, we have started to look at our new topic 'Sound'. We investigated how sound travels through the air and the process that it takes for us to end up hearing different sounds.
During Maths, we have started our new topic of Multiplication and Division. This week, we have been focusing on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables. We have practiced the times tables, and then aplied our knowledge to answering reasoning and problem solving questions.
For our History lessons, we have been exploring the Roman withdrawal from Britain. We looked at why the Romans left, and what sort of impact that had on the lives of the people left in Britain. Today is our school trip to Lullingstone Roman Villa, so we will be learning even more about Roman life in Britain! Photos to follow.
Have a lovely weekend.