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Week 1 Autumn 2
04 Nov 2022
Year 4 have had a good first week back after half term.
English, we have started preparing to write a Biography. We have looked at good examples, as well as looking at how to correctly use punctuation such as commas, and to accurately include fronted adverbials in our writing.
For our
Maths lessons, we have been learning all about Area. This has included counting squares, creating our own shapes and comparing the area of different shapes too. The children have been very confident in completing this work and have done very well.
Reading, we have started our new novel Rumblestar. We have read the first chapter and made inferences about the characters, explored new vocabulary and defined it and also made predictions about what may happen throughout the rest of the book.
We also completed some Drama in our
History lesson, looking at the Roman withdrawal from Britain, and how that changed the lives of the people who lived there.
Have a lovely weekend.