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Weeks 1 and 2 Autumn 1
16 Sep 2022
Welcome to Year 4!
The children have had a brilliant two weeks settling back into school and the routines of Year 4. They have worked very hard and produced some lovely work already.
English, the children have been preparing to write a Character Description about Boudicca. They have learnt how to use apostrophes, pronouns and similes. I am looking forward to seeing their final pieces of writing next week.
For our
Maths lessons, we have been focussing on Place Value. This has included looking at numbers up to 10,000 and how we can partition them. The children have also been placing these numbers on a number line with various intervals.
History/Geography, we have begun learning about the Roman invasion of Britain. We have compared Italy and Britain in terms of geographical differences, and looked at the reign of Boudicca of the Iceni Tribe.
Today is Commonwealth Day, where the children will be learning all about what the Commonwealth is, and some of the countries within it. Pictures to follow!
Have a lovely weekend.