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Week 4 Summer 1
13 May 2022
Well done for another fantastic week Year 4.
It has been nice to get back into normal routine after a strange couple of weeks with Bank Holidays, Ofsted, parent consultations etc...
Reading, the children have continued reading Alice in Wonderland. We have worked on our retrieval, explanation and vocabulary skills this week. The children are doing well with this text, considering some of the difficult language, and are really enjoying the story.
For our
RE lessons, the children ahve been comparing different ceremonies from various religions. For example, they compared the similarities and differences between Passover and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs in Judaism, as well as comparing Baptisms and Confirmations in Christianity. The children are always showing a lot of interest in learning about different religions which makes our RE lessons engaging and full of discussion.
Music, the children have been practising the song Blackbird by The Beatles. They have picked up the lyrics/tune very quickly, with some children knowing the song beforehand. We have also been practising for our performances both in assembly on Monday, and for the Jubilee celebrations. We hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Have a lovely weekend.