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Week 5 Spring 2
24 Mar 2022
This week in Year 4 the children have settled back into routines well after a heavy couple of assessment weeks.
Maths, we have continued learning about decimals. We have had lessons on hundredths, converting hundreths to decimals and placing these decimals on a place value grid. Well done 4S for working very hard with these tricky concepts.
For our
Reading lessons this week, the children have been studying a poem called Budapest by the poet Billy Collins. They have explored their inference, prediction and vocabulary skills by making in-depth observations of the poem, and exploring the meaning behind some of the words/phrases used.
English, Year 4 have been recapping some key grammatical terms and applying them to writing their letter home. These have included expanded noun phrases, Standard Englisha and homophones. The children did particularly well with creating their own expanded nound phrases and including them in their pieces of writing.
4S have also completed some fantastic Music, French, History, DT, PSHE and Science lessons.
Have a lovely weekend.