Miss Bates - 07 Feb 2025
Well done year 4 for a brilliant week at school!
In maths this week, we have moved onto our new topic of length and perimeter. We have started this topic by looking at different length (KM, M, CM, MM) and which items we might measure using these units. We have also started looking at perimeters. We have found that we can count the squares around a shape and have also moved onto methods of finding a perimeter to a rectangle by adding up all the lengths or finding the total for 2 different lengths and multiplying this by 2.
In English this week, we have looked at our 2 new skills for our Newspaper article; 5Ws and inverted commas. We have had the chance to practice these skills in a narrative and have also looked at a bad example of a newspaper article and worked together to improve it.
In shared reading this week, we have developed our thesaurus skills by improving words we found in the text. We have also looked to find evidence from the text to support our inference skills.
In history, we have learned what a Doomsday book is and what it is used for. We have interviewed others in our class in order to make our own doomsday books.
In DT, we have started our new topic of ‘fancy and functional fabrics’. We started our first lesson by looking at specific design choices by William Morris, choosing a specific pattern and tracing this into our books. We then painted these using watercolours.
Please continue to read 5 times a week for 5 minutes a time and play on TTRS.
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