Year 4B - Miss Bates Class News

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Miss Bates - 24 Oct 2024

Well done year 4 for a great week at school.

In shared reading this week, we looked at the poem ‘The Wind on the Hill’. We looked at the rhyming scheme and inferred information from the text.
In English this week, we wrote our final draft of our poem about our animals, we focused on using a rhyming scheme and including metaphors. We have also create a display piece to be put up around the classroom.
In maths, we practiced our column method skills for addition and subtraction. We focused on worded problems and found key words that tell us to add or subtract.
In RE this week, we looked at Wangari Maathi and why she is inspirational.
In music, we have finished learning our song ‘This little light of mine’ and have sung this together.
The children had a brilliant afternoon learning about Diwali by creating rangoli patterns using tissue paper. These have gone home with the children today.
I hope you all have a lovely half term and find a chance to relax. Please continue to read 5 times a week and play on TTRS for 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
New spellings have been sent home today, the children will be tested on these on Friday 8th November.
  -Spelling Lists-V435933756.pdf-  




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Wednesday 6th November 3.45pm
Wednesday 27th November 9.30am

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Children return on Monday 4th November.
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