Year 4B - Miss Bates Class News

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Miss Bates - 04 Oct 2024

Well done year 4 for a fantastic week!

We have been very busy this week and the children have worked extremely hard with all their learning.
In shared reading, we have finished chapter 6 of ‘The Firework-Makers Daughter’ and have developed our inference skills by deciding what each character is feeling. Next week we will be finishing our book completely.

In English this week, we have made our Roman shields and written down the steps we took, ready to write our instructions next week.

In maths this week, we have started our new topic of addition and subtraction, focusing on column method for addition when exchanging. The children have been sent home with a homework sheet to complete at home, this is not compulsory but they will get some house points if they bring it back in.

In science this week, we have had a very exciting lesson of making ice cream! We looked at how a liquid can change states into a solid.

In art this week, we looked at relief sculptures created some of our own using clay, next week we will be painting these.

New spellings have gone home today, please note: spellings have been marked wrong if they have capital letters in the middle of the words. The class were told about this prior to their spelling test and were given the opportunity to change any letters to ensure they were not capital letters.

Have a lovely weekend!



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