Year 4B - Miss Bates Class News

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Miss Bates - 13 Sep 2024

Year 4 have done a fantastic job of settling in these last 2 weeks and I am incredibly proud of how hard they have been working.

We have jumped straight into our learning for this half term. We have begun our shared reading lessons by reading ‘The Firework-Makers Daughter’ which follows our main character, Lila, on her journey to become a firework maker. We have made predictions about our text and have developed our summarising skills.

In English, we have been working towards writing a character description of Lila from our core text. We have been developing our skills of using possessive apostrophes as well as including similes in our writing. We have showcased our understanding by using these skills in a narrative before we write our character description next week.

In maths, we have been representing and partitioning numbers to 10,000, placing numbers on number lines and have looked at finding 1, 10, 100, 1000 more and less than a number.

In science this week, we have started our topic of ‘States of Matter’ and looked at different things that can be solids, liquids and gas. We also began looking at items that can change between our states and items that might have two states at once.

In history this week, we have begun our learning on ‘Invasions’, looking specifically at …
We have started learning about ‘Islamic Art’ as part of our art learning this term. We have been focusing on recurring shapes and the patterns these make.
Please note:

Our PE is Friday, children should come to school in their PE kits.

Children will be tested on spellings every Friday and will be sent home with their test/ results along with their new spellings for the week to learn.

Children should be accessing TimesTable Rockstars 5 times a week for a minimum of 5 minutes each time.

Please ensure you can access Boom Reader at home to ensure children get each read logged. Page numbers need to be recorded in order for a read to count.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
  -Spelling Lists Editable.doc-  

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