Week 4 Autumn 2
25 Nov 2022
Well done for another great week Year 4.
This week, in History, we investigated why the Anglo-Saxons left their homeland to come to Britain. We also looked at how they made that journey, and what life was like for them once they settled in Britain.
In Maths, we have finished the first half of our Multiplication and Division topic. We will continue with it after Christmas. The children have been practising how to divide a number by 1 and itself, multiply by 0 and multiply three numbers.
For our new D.T. unit, we have started to look at 'Fresh food, Good food'. This involves us finding out how and why food starts to decay, and what processes are in place to slow that process down. In the coming weeks, the children will be making their own healthy snack and packaging to go with it.
Below are some pictures from our amazing trip to Lullingstnoe Roman Villa two weeks ago. We had a fantastic day and the children were very well behaved.
Happy weekend!