Week 1 Summer 1
22 Apr 2022
Welcome back after Easter Year 4.
We have had a great first week back, fitting in lots of learning.
Science we started our new topic looking at teeth and digestion. We conducted two experiments: one looking at how different types of liquids can affect our teeth, and one looking at our salivary glands and how sight and smell can affect our tastebuds.
For our
Reading lessons this week, we have started our new novel of Alice in Wonderland. The children have done well with the beginning of the text, exploring their prediction and vocabulary skills.
English, the children have begun their new writing unit. They are preparing to write a non-chronological report about the different types of teeth. We are exploring grammar/punctuation concepts such as the present tense, subheadings and writing in third person to aid us in this unit.
Finally, the children were able to all complete and take home their beautiful dreamcatchers that they made in
DT. Attached are some pictures of them brightening up our classroom.
Have a lovely weekend.