Our Second Week
20 Sep 2021
Hello everyone!
We have had a great full second week of Year 4. The children have been working so hard in all aspects of school life.
This week, we continued with our Character Description of Boudicca, with the children planning their piece of writing. Sticking with our topic of I am Warrior, the children learnt about the similarities and differences between England and Italy. They looked at both human and physical features of the two countries.
A particular favourite for 4S this week has been continuing to learn the song 'Mamma Mia'- I'm sure many families at home will have heard their child practicing their singing! Every single child has been fantastic when learning this song in our Music lessons, even those who may not usually enjoy this type of lesson.
Thank you for all of the cardboard that has already been handed in by everyone, ready for our shield-making in DT after half-term, we are extremely grateful!
Thank you for your continued support, have a great week.
Miss Smith.