Miss Burgess Update 17/06
17 Jun 2021
Here is what we have been doing in Year 4 this week:
In Geography, we have been learning about the different states in America. Using our knowledge of atlases, the children were able to use the index, find the correct page and label a empty map of America with many correct state names.

In maths, we are still learning about decimals. We have been learning about ordering and comparing decimals as well as writing decimals and using our knowledge of number bond to 10 and 100 to add decimals.

This week, we have started a new topic is Religious Education learning all about Judaism. The children were all excited about this new topic and are eager to learn more.

Finally, we have had our second lesson on our new Science topic, Electricity. The children we able to learn about how electrons flow though a series circuit to make a doorbell ring. We then put this knowledge into practise and made our own series circuit including a buzzer. I challenged the children to not use the switch provided but use a different material/ object.