Miss Burgess Update 27/05
27 May 2021
In Year 4 this week we have been read a new book to prompt our English writing, it is called: 'Arthur and the Golden Rope.' We will be using the story as the prompt for our newspaper report, which we will be writing after our week off. The class have enjoyed creating character profiles about Arthur and unpicking his personality and appearance to include within the report. 

In maths, the children have impressed me with their confidence and understanding of dividing one and two-digit numbers by 10! They have been amazing at this and seem to have a really secure understanding.

Finally, as this is our last week for our Summer 1 Term we have completed some final lessons about our current topics. In History, we completed some research about the different Viking gods and then chose one to complete a profile about. In Science, we learnt about the structure of the ear and how sound vibrations travel through our ear. We also completed an investigation around the class to see which object could make sounds and tried to describe these sounds using scientific vocabulary.

This has been a fantastic term for Year 4, all of the children have really tried their best and worked hard. Have a fantastic break and we look forward to seeing you all for our final half term.
The Year 4 Team ☺️