Miss Burgess Update 21/05
21 May 2021
This week in Year 4 has been assessment week.
In the afternoon, once we had finished our assessments, we have continued working on our Art topic and Geography unit. In Art this week each of the children used Celtic runes to write out their name, we then printed this onto a big piece of paper to create a class collage. -It is currently drying and we will share a picture of this next week.
In Geography, we have learned about how Anglo-Saxons would typically arrange their villages. The children then worked hard to draw a detailed map of what an Anglo-Saxon village would look like. During our reading sessions, we have started a new book- which the children are very excited about. It is called ‘The Saga of Erik the Viking,’ this book contains lots of little legends that have excited and engaged the class.
Finally, this week we have continued to develop our understanding of converting fractions into decimals. One thing that has come to my attention from out mathematics lessons and the test results, is that many of the children are struggling with dividing number by 10 and 100 when the answer is a decimal: e.g 12 / 10 = 1.2, it would be really helpful to work on this at home, if you get the chance.
Have a fantastic weekend :)