Miss Burgess Update 25/06
25 Jun 2020
Home Learning
I have really enjoyed seeing all of your home learning that you have been doing over the past few weeks. It is clear that lots of you have been focusing on completing some Science work over the last few weeks as you have completed some brilliant work. 😊
Karah has been doing some gardening over the last few weeks and has been brushing up on her knowledge of how plants grow and what we need to do to look after them.

Lacey has completed some reading comprehension, worked on her understanding of time and has completed some creative writing. She has also completed an informative piece of writing about how to scatter seeds.
Luke has also been spending some time in his garden helping out his parents.

Rebecca and Luke have both completed some science work about electricity. Rebecca has made a brilliant safety poster and Luke has completed a mind map.
With the end of this academic year fast approaching please make sure you are testing yourself on your common exception words, securing your knowledge of your times tables and emailing me at pburgess@brady.havering.sch.uk if there were any areas of learning this year you feel you need additional support with 😊