Miss Burgess Update 11/06
11 Jun 2020
Home Learning
I have really enjoyed seeing all of your home learning that you have been doing over the past few weeks. As you all know Year 4 are not coming back to school right away so please ensure you have collected the new home learning pack from the office or are accessing the pack online.
https://www.bradyprimaryschool.co.uk/SAP.aspx?pid=HL-HowToHelpChildrenToLearn_en-GB All of the things covered in these packs are to support learning we have already completed in class and to try and introduce you to concepts that we should have done together in class.
Rebecca has been completing some great story writing.
Lacey and Luke have both been working hard to develop their understanding of time.

Lacey has also been staying up to date with work from her packs by completing guided reading questions, maths journals, poetry, multiplication and division and two step problems.
- Test yourself on your Year 3 and 4 common exception words you should know all of these by the end of this academic year. Next year you will have a new set of common exception words to learn. Whatever words you don’t know, make it your mission to learn them by the end of July.
- Test yourself on your times tables. Don’t forget by the end of Year 4 you should know all of your times tables, having this knowledge is so important for so many areas of mathematic. Whatever times tables you find hard let me know in an email. I can send you some worksheets and ideas to support you at home 😊
Please continue to send pictures and any questions you have to my email address
Have a fantastic week everyone!