Miss Burgess Update 07/05
07 May 2020
Home Learning
I have really enjoyed seeing all of your home learning that you have been doing over the past week, there has been so many fantastic emails!
Lacey has been very busy again. She has been playing some board games, completed some fantastic writing, got full marks on an addition and subtraction assessment and has been recapping her SPaG knowledge by completing the mats in the new pack. During this week she has also written a beautiful acrostic poem and has been keeping up to date with the fantastic audio chapters of Treasure Island and answering the comprehension questions about these chapters. In addition to this, Lacey has made a fantastic start on the decimals lessons provided in the newest home learning pack.
Harry became a photographer and has sent me this beautiful picture of some bluebells in his local church. He liked these flowers because they look pretty and decided to snap a picture of these for the house point challenge.

Karah been baking with her mum, practising her times tables and has completed some writing activities.

Luke has been using working on his knowledge of fronted adverbials from his pack and has been working hard on the Scratch website to complete some coding. He has also been helping his mu by hoovering everyday and is completing the Joe Wicks PE in the mornings.
Don’t forget to check out BBC Bitesize as they are uploading free, daily lessons onto their website๐
Weekly Challenge by Miss Burgess
Each will I will be setting 3 optional challenges for you to do at home. By completing each challenge, you can earn house points which I will keep track of to be added when we return to school. You may complete 1 or all 3 challenges but photo evidence must be sent to my email address above to earn these points ๐
- Rock Painting
5 House Points
On your next daily walk pick up some big rocks and take them home. When you are back at home, decorate these rocks with some messages and scatter them around when you go back out for your next walk. Hopefully, someone will find one of your rocks and it will brighten their day.
- Playdough or Salt Dough
4 House Points
Make your own playdough or Salt Dough using this simple recipe and then make a sculpture and snap me a picture.
- Pets
3 House Points.
At the moment my little dog, Belle, is keeping me happy and entertained (you may have seen her in the video Mr Nunn uploaded today), if you have a pet send me a picture of you with your pet and tell me their name and a little bit about them. If you don’t have a pet, send me an email saying which pet you would like and why.
I hope you and all of you families are staying safe at home. Please don’t hesitate to email for any further support or guidance.
As you know, this Friday we are commemorating the 75
th anniversary of the “Victory in Europe” (VE day)
You may want to find out a bit more about it here:
If you decide to complete any activities or if you are celebrating VE day at home, please remember to email me any photos.
Have a brilliant bank holiday weekend. ๐