Miss Burgess Update 03/04
03 Apr 2020
Home Learning
I have really enjoyed seeing all of your home learning that you have been doing over the past week!
Adeola has been work hard to create a poster with lots of interesting Viking facts and has even had a got at sketching her very own Viking ship.

Harry and Ruby turned into Chefs creating their own delicious masterpieces which look delicious 😊

Luke has been working hard to continue with his maths learning and has even decorated some fantastic eggs. I think the little sheep is particularly adorable.

Here are some links for some great home learning activities that have been advertised in the last few days or that I have come across that you may like to try:
Weekly Challenge by Miss Burgess
Each will I will be setting 3 optional challenges for you to do at home. By completing each challenge, you can earn house points which I will keep track of to be added when we return to school. You may complete 1 or all 3 challenges but photo evidence must be sent to my email address above to earn these points 😊
- Start to read a different book.
5 House Points
Read a book that you wouldn’t usually read it could be by a different author or a different genre.
- Make some window art.
4 House Points
At the moment lots of people are making some fantastic window art to lift the spirits of themselves and the people that happen to walk by. Take some time to create some window art that will lift your spirits and someone else’s.
- Write a letter.
3 House Points
Write a letter to someone you haven’t been able to see, ask your adult to post it for you whenever they are able to go out.
Keep sending me your great pictures!
I hope you and all of you families are staying safe at home. Please don’t hesitate to email for any further support or guidance 😊