Miss Burgess Update 25/03
25 Mar 2020
This week has been a little different as I’m sure you are all aware. I cannot give you our usual update of what we have been doing in class as you have taken your learning home with you this week. I have really enjoyed receiving all of your e-mails with how you have been keeping up with your learning and staying active with the support of your fantastic adults. If you haven’t shared any of your home learning with me don’t forget to email me at
pburgess@brady.havering.sch.uk so I can keep up to date with what you have been doing.
Daisy has been hard at work learning about the different Viking Gods before she chose her own one to sketch.

Rebecca has been working her way through the Home Learning pack with her mum and Luke has sent some fantastic pictures of making smoothies at home and enjoying some quality family time playing an ‘I’m a celebrity get me out of here’ themed eating game!

Here are some links for some great home learning activities that have been advertised in the last few days or that I have come across that you may like to try:
Weekly Challenge by Miss Burgess
Each will I will be setting 3 optional challenges for you to do at home. By completing each challenge, you can earn house points which I will keep track of to be added when we return to school. You may complete 1 or all 3 challenges but photo evidence must be sent to my email address above to earn these points 😊
- Make your own Viking Longship
5 House Points
In class we started designing and planning how we would build these so I would like to see your ideas come to life at home, be as creative as you can.
- Make a poster all about Fractions.
4 House Points
We spent the last 4 weeks in class learning about Fractions use this knowledge to create a detailed poster for our new classroom.
- Become a Chef!
3 House Points
With the support of your adult learn how to cook something new, take photo’s and write down some detailed instructions.
Finally, I hope you and all of you families are staying safe at home. Please don’t hesitate to email for any further support or guidance and if your child was not in school on the last day please check the website homepage as the office has copies of the home learning packs that can be collected on certain days. I can't wait to see all of your great home learning, Miss Burgess :)