Year 4 Update 11/03
11 Mar 2020
The week in literacy we have completed our Hot Write based on the legend of Arthur and the sword in the stone. The children worked hard to include all of the features we have been learning about and as a result produced some fantastic work.
In maths we are continuing our work on fractions. We have been revisiting adding and subtracting fractions will start to apply this knowledge to improper fractions and mixed numbers by the end of the week.
Please keep up with times table revision at home through either accessing times table rock stars, listening to YouTube videos or visiting any of the other free websites listed below.
In our design and technology lessons we are continuing to design our own ship.
Please can you bring in any carboard boxes, sticks or straws etc. that we could use when building our Viking ships 😊
- Swimming will still be taking place on Wednesday after the break: all children must have a full swimming kit. (Towel, swimming costume/ short and a swimming hat. Earrings must also be removed.)
- Homework books to be handed in Wednesday or Thursday morning.