Year 4 update 27/02
27 Feb 2020
Welcome Back! I hope you have all had an enjoyable week off.
This term our topic is ‘Traders and Raiders’ we have complete a geography lesson learning about where the Anglo-Saxons came from and eventually settled. We have also completed a history lesson looking at the timeline of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings to familiarise ourselves with some key dates and information.
The week in literacy, we have started looking at writing a legend. The children have been learning all about the key features and we have just read Arthur and the Sword in the Stone in class.
In maths we have started our work on fractions. We have been recapping what a fraction is and looks like as well as learning about equivalent fractions.
- Swimming will still be taking place on Wednesday after the break: all children must have a full swimming kit. (Towel, swimming costume/ short and a swimming hat. Earrings must also be removed.)
- Homework books to be handed in Wednesday or Thursday morning.
- We are still collecting plastic bottle lids, please save as many as you can and bring in 😊