Year 4 Update 29/01
29 Jan 2020
The week in literacy, we have started to learn about writing a non-chronological report. We are specifically focusing on making an information leaflet. The children created their own fictional creature and made a leaflet all about them. Our hot write will be about different teeth types and their uses so we will spend some lessons researching before writing this at the end of the week.
In our art lesson we tried to replicate Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting of the Vitruvian Man and added in his digestive system.

In maths, we have been learning how to use the bus stop method to solve division problems with and without remainders.
This week we were lucky enough to have Team Rubicon come in and teach the children some skateboard skills. The children really enjoyed this experience and all had a go a riding a skateboard and some children were even able to do some tricks on the skateboard.

- Swimming is taking place on Wednesday: all children must have a full swimming kit. (Towel, swimming costume/ short and a swimming hat. Earrings must also be removed.)
- Please keep logging onto TT Rockstars and other free websites that have been given to support the children’s times table knowledge.
- Homework books to be handed in Wednesday or Thursday morning.
- We are collecting plastic bottle lids, please save as many as you can and bring in 😊