Year 4 Update 22/01
22 Jan 2020
The week in literacy, we have completed our hot write. The children worked incredibly hard to include all the relevant information to make their diary entries interesting and detailed to read. We hope to share some of these with you at our upcoming class assembly.
In our art lesson we have complete some research about Leonardo da Vinci. We are going to try a replicate some of his styles in art work that we complete in the following weeks.
In maths, are continuing to develop our times tables knowledge. We have been focusing on solving different types of multiplication problems by multiplying 2 and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Next week we will be looking at dividing 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.
During our science lessons this week we have had fun learning all about the different names and functions of teeth. We have looked into the different teeth types between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and discussed why there are differences between the teeth shapes and sizes.
- Swimming is taking place on Wednesday: all children must have a full swimming kit. (Towel, swimming costume/ short and a swimming hat. Earrings must also be removed.)
- Please keep logging onto TT Rockstars and other free websites that have been given to support the children’s times table knowledge.
- Homework books to be handed in Wednesday or Thursday morning.
- We are collecting plastic bottle lids, please save as many as you can and bring in 😊