Year 4 Update 08/01
08 Jan 2020
Welcome back, I hope you all enjoyed the holidays!
This term our topic in class is ‘Burps, Bottoms and Bile,’ homework maps and topic grids will be going out this week for you to gather some more information about what we will be doing in class and to get started on some brilliant homework projects.
In literacy, we have completed a cold write of a diary entry. This is something that we will be learning about in the following two weeks. At the end of these two weeks we will be writing a diary entry from the point of view from someone in our new literacy book, ‘I was a Rat! Or the Scarlet Slippers’ by Phillip Pullman.
We have also received new sketch-books to use in our art lessons. The children enjoyed being creative and designing their front cover for our new topic.
In maths, are continuing to learn about our times tables knowledge. We have been focusing on our 11- and 12-times tables as well as learning how to multiply three one-digit numbers and finding factor pairs of different numbers.
- Swimming is taking place on Wednesday: all children must have a full swimming kit. (Towel, swimming costume/ short and a swimming hat)
- Please keep logging onto TT Rockstars and other free websites that have been given to support the children’s times table knowledge.