Year 4 Update 28/11
28 Nov 2019
This week in literacy we have started a new unit looking at persuasive language. We will be working hard over the next two weeks to learning all about the different persuasive language techniques we will then use this knowledge to make our own persuasive leaflet. In class we have been using these persuasive language devices in class debates.
In maths this week we have been solving multiplication and division problem using our 6, 7 and 9 times table knowledge.
In science we have been working hard to develop our knowledge of animal classifications to help us create different classification keys.
- PE is on Wednesday, if possible earrings should be removed the night before to save time in class. If your PE kit is not already in school please make sure it is returned for next week.
- TT Rockstars: if you are not doing so already please make sure you are logging in at home each week to encourage times table knowledge and recall.
- Homework books need to be returned by Thursday the latest for spelling and times table testing.
- ROMAN DAY and Class Assembly- 10th December
Children may dress up as Roman Soldier/ Celtic Warrior / Boudicca or any other famous gladiators from this time.