Year 4 Update 09/10
09 Oct 2019
This week in literacy the children have worked really hard on completing their hot write. The children were resilient and tried their best to remember all of the key features needed. We worked on re-drafting and peer marking our work and then created top copies to go onto our class display.
In maths this week we have continued developing our understanding of rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We have also started looking at negative numbers and couting backwards through zero.
During our science lesson this week we carried out an experiment, we investigated if the gas inside the fizzy drink bottles had any weight. We discovered that Lucozade was the most carbonated drink.
This week we also had a really enjoyable shared learning session, the children enjoyed bringing their potion bottle desgins to life using; clay, beads and sequins.

- Just a reminder that while we encourage children to read as often as possible, they will only be given one stamp per day in their reading records.
- PE is on Wednesday, if possible earrings should be removed the night before to save time in class.
- TT Rockstars: if you are not doing so already please make sure you are logging in at home each week to encourage times table knowledge and recall.
- Homework books need to be returned by Thursday the latest for spelling and times table testing.