Another great week!
15 Sep 2019
This week, we completed a vote in class and nominated two children who be our 4 representatives in the student council. Well done.
In Literacy, we have been learning about Romeo and Juliet and about play scripts. This week we have learnt about the different features of a play script and have had a go at using a play script to act out a famous story in our classroom.
In Art, we are working on developing a design for a potion bottle. Last week, we sketched lot of different potion bottles and chose our favourite . This week, we added more shading and detail to our favourtie design using oil pastels.
As you know, our topic for this half term is 'Potions' please continue bringing in your fantastic potion homework. I love to see them.
All of the wonderful homework is now on display outside of our classroom for everyone to see.