Proposed Ultra Low Emission Zone expansion
26 May 2022
The school's been asked to forward this on ...
Dear all,
TfL have launched their public consultation on the proposed Ultra Low Emission Zone expansion. Further details on the proposals can be found below.
Improving air quality and Londoner’s health, tackling climate change and reducing congestion | Have Your Say Transport for London (
It is really important that you provide feedback on behalf of your school as this may impact on your staff, suppliers and parents/carers plus your future catchment area.
Please send this out to your SLT, staff, parents, carers and anyone else in your school community so that they are aware of the consultation and encourage them take the opportunity to have their say.
Dear All
Today, we launched a
consultation to seek your views on expanding the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) London-wide. The Mayor has asked TfL to consult on these proposals and to begin to develop a longer-term smart road user charging system to address the triple challenges facing London of toxic air pollution, the climate emergency and traffic congestion.
The consultation will run for 10 weeks until 29 July and asks a number of questions on the proposals for the London-wide ULEZ. If a larger zone was introduced, it would have a transformative effect by the end of 2023. It is estimated that the number of cars not meeting the tough ULEZ emission standards each day would fall from 160,000 to 46,000 and number of vans from 42,000 to 26,000.
We are also proposing to make it easier for people with non-compliant vehicles to pay the charge and not get caught out by removing the annual £10 per vehicle Auto Pay registration fee, while ensuring fines for non-payment remain an effective deterrent by increasing the penalty by £20, or £10 if paid within 14 days. Additionally, we want to hear your views on how we shape the future of road user charging in the capital.
There are a number of documents to help you to respond to the consultation. For an overview of the proposals there is a short video and a short consultation brochure. More detailed information is also available including an Integrated Impact Assessment report which has been prepared to identify the likely significant impacts of the consultation proposals and identify possible mitigating measures where appropriate.
We want to encourage you to have your say through the consultation questionnaire about the way forward to achieving a clean, green and healthy future London. Please also contact us should you want more information.
We would also appreciate if you could share this with your Members and residents to ensure as many people as possible can respond. We are also creating a toolkit for you to easily share information. We will be sharing this with you next week.
We hope that you will give your views via the
Have Your Say website. You can also call us on 0343 222 1155 or email us at with your response.