Year 3B - Miss Booth Class News

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Year 3 Week 3

14 Mar 2019

This week we have been dividing by 10 and recognising tenths. To begin, the children found this concept very confusing but they have worked really hard and overcome this. Extra practise will be sent home with your child this week. Next week, we will be finding equivalent fractions and recapping formal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


Year 3 have been re-enacting the story of the Stone Age Boy, considering the plot and thoughts and feelings of the characters. After this, we created story mountains and focused on using conjunctions to make our sentences more interesting. Then, we made story boards and included speech. Next week, we will be planning our stories.
On Wednesday, we learned about the role of an archaeologist. The children took part in an activity to dig up tools from the Stone Age and used paint brushes to brush away the soil from the artefacts.


As part of British Science Week, Year 3 learned about the importance of bees and their role in pollination. The children became bees and flowers and re-enacted transferring pollen from the stamen of one flower to the stigma of another.

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