W/C 19.01
Miss Booth - 24 Jan 2025
This week we completed a diary entry. Next week we will be moving onto persuasive writing. The pupils will be writing a job application to apply for a role in the Asphodel Fields.
We have finished our topic 'Multiplication and Division' and have completed the end of topic assessment.
We have now started our new topic ' Length and Perimeter. We will be measuring in mm, cm and m.
This week we made a moving object using a cam. Everyone showed great teamwork skills.
Next week the pupils will be designing their own moving object with their choice of cam.
This week the pupils investigated magnetic and non magnetic objects. They made predicitions and gave reasons for why they think it is magnetic. They then tested this out with a magnet and completed a table in their books.
Class assembly and Shared Learning.
Thank you to all the adults that came to watch our class assembly and took part in year 3 shared learning. The pupils really enjoyed learning all about Gods and Mortals this term and enjoyed teaching you too!