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Year 3 Update 9.7.21
09 Jul 2021
This week Year 3 have been writing a draft of the story ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. They have worked really hard to include Year 3 grammar and punctuation to make their stories interesting. In addition, they thought carefully about how they could use show sentences to show how someone was feeling scared or nervous to improve their writing.
We have been learning about properties of 2D and 3D shapes. They enjoyed making 3D shapes and describing them using mathematical language. Throughout the week, they also used their prior learning of right angles and parallel and perpendicular lines to support them.
At the beginning of the week, the children learnt how to sew a running stich in preparation for their sewing project. They will be making their animal print collage next week. Year 3 enjoyed Cultural Afternoon and in particular sharing their photos from home, explaining why they felt they belonged in that place or with those people.
Next week will be assessment week.