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Year 3 Update 28.5.21
28 May 2021
This week Year 3 have been writing newspaper reports. They began by writing a draft then editing it ready for their ‘hot write’. The children have tried hard to use a range of interesting sentence openers, an eye witness account and the 5 Ws.
In Maths we have been focusing on telling the time to five minutes. The children have found this particularly difficult but have persevered. We will continue to learn to tell the time to the nearest minute after half term.
Year 3 made their own papier mâché volcanoes which looked great. We will paint these when we return to school. Thank you for all of the bottles that were sent in with the children. This week the children have also continued to learn French which they enjoy. They now know how to say, ‘how are you?’, they can identify and say some colours and they can count to twenty. After half term, our new topic will be ‘Predator’.
Well done for the great work and effort this half term and I would like to wish you all a wonderful half term!