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Year 3 Update 14.5.21
14 May 2021
This week the children finished writing their diary entries from the perspective of Lila (a character in our focus text ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’). These were great to read and the children thought carefully about Lila’s thoughts and feelings throughout their writing. This week we have started to learn about the features of a newspaper report. Next week will be assessment week.
In maths, we have been learning about fractions. The children have worked really hard to overcome difficult concepts such as equivalent fractions. They really enjoyed learning how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
We have been learning about earthquakes, volcanoes and the layers of the Earth. The children also visited the computer suite to complete research for our topic. In art we have been learning about Pompeii. The children took photos of themselves then had a go at drawing them and adding tone. We have also practised techniques with clay in preparation to recreate the bodies of Pompeii.