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Year 3 Week 5
06 Feb 2020
This week Year 3 have continued to plan their newspaper reports. They also completed their first drafts and edited these with peer feedback. They have been working really hard to include the key features and to improve their writing by adding fronted adverbials, subordinate clauses and correctly punctuated direct speech. I’m looking forward to reading their ‘hot writes’.
We have been focusing on fractions this week. To begin they identified unit and non-unit fractions and compared them. Then, we moved onto counting up and down in tenths. Next week, they will be learning how to find fractions of amounts.
Science and Topic
The children tested the strength of magnets in a science investigation. They recorded their findings and will be creating bar charts to present their findings too. During our D&T lesson, the children designed their own vehicles. We discussed how we would construct these and selected appropriate materials that we could use. Next week, we will be making these. Thank you for sending in lots of boxes!