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Year 3 Week 1
31 Oct 2019
This week we have been writing a setting description based on the Theseus and the Minotaur story. To begin, the children gathered interesting vocabulary and continued to learn about subordinating conjunctions to add more detail. Then, they used their senses to describe the setting further. Next week we will be writing a character description.
In Maths we have been recapping addition and subtraction. They have been adding ones, tens and hundreds to three digit numbers. The children have also been working on explaining their answers. Next week they will continue to develop their skills using the column method.
This week they were introduced to their new topic ‘Gods and Mortals’. We began by looking at the world map and we located Greece. The children then sketched a map of Ancient Greece. In Science we have started a unit on light. They discovered that dark is caused by the absence of light.