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Year 3 Week 5
10 Oct 2019
We would like to say a big thank you to the parents that attended our shared learning last week. The children thoroughly enjoyed it.
This week the children have been continuing to plan and write their play scripts. To begin they made a story board and re-enacted their adverts in groups. After this, they began to write their scripts ready to complete a ‘hot write’. Next week they will be writing their own nonsense poems about food.
In Maths the children have started to learn a new method to multiply. They recapped using arrays. Then, we started to look at repeated addition which they have been trying really hard with. Next week we will be continuing to develop these skills.
On Monday, the children painted their clay nonsense fruits that they made during the shared learning session. In Science they have been learning the scientific names of bones and found some a little tricky to pronounce! Finally, we have started to practise the class assembly ready for next week. The children cannot wait to for you to see it!