W/C 14.10
Miss Booth - 18 Oct 2024
In English this week we completed our diary entries as the Stone Age Boy! Children done a fantastic job on stepping into the shoes of a non-fiction character and writing excellent diary entires in chronological order using past tense, first person and expressing feelings thoughts and emotions as that character. As we approach the end of this half term, next week children will be consolidating their grammar skills such as commas in a list and using speech marks for direct speech.
This week we re-introduced column method addition and subtraction. Children used skills they have been previously taught and applied these to bigger numbers as we were solving equations which included hundreds. Next week we will be using this written method but taking it a step further, using column addition and subtraction to solve equations with 3 digit numbers with an exchange, for example 422-215.
We have now completed our RE unit for this half term and ended it by looking at Hinduism. We had many children in the class who are part of this religion and it was lovely to see how excited and willing they were to share their knowledge and experiences of practising their faith. We learned about how Hindus worship in their homes and children completed a matching activity using new vocabulary.
This week in assembly we discussed the topic of mental health following last week's mental health week. We spoke about our emotions and what we ca do if we are experiencing negative emotions.
Next week we have an inset day on Friday, this means that we will be completing our spelling task on Thursday 24th October instead. Our spellings will be on homophones again so please support your child to understand the meaning of the word in context so that they ca differentiate the spellings from each other. We also have pyjama day on Thursday but please remember that children will need to be in trainers for PE.