Year 3B - Miss Booth Class News

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W/C 07/10

Miss Booth - 11 Oct 2024

This week in English we began our learning in preparation for our diary entry outcome next week. We looked at the features of the diary including first person, past tense and chronlogical order. We also wrote a recount of our most recent trip to Wennington Church to allow the children to practice their use of these key features. Now that we have finished reading the Stone Age Boy, next week we will be getting into character through hot seating and writing our diary entries. 

As part of our addition and subtraction unit. children have been learning new methods to solve equations crossing both the 1s boundary e.g. 128 + 7, and the 10s boundary e.g. 344 + 50. It was exciting for us all to see how we can use previously taught methods and apply these to bigger numbers, and the class done an excellent job of making connections in their learning. Next week we will begin to look at subtracting crossing the 1s and 10s boundary. 

This week we enjoyed another fun experiment in science. We discussed the importance of our bones and how they provide protection and support for our vital organs. To support their understanding of this we done a class investigation! We carefully placed an egg in a glass jar with a lid and the children predicted whether they thought the egg would break if we were to shake the jar vigorously. Most children predicted that the egg would break because it has no protection and they were correct. We then placed another egg into a different jar and filled the jar with water. The children were then asked to make another prediction, will the egg still break now that it's surrounded by water? We had different predictions with varying reasons but ultimately after being shaken vigorously, this egg did not break!  

After learning about both the Stone and Bronze age, this week in History we discussed causes of major changes during the Iron Age. We learned about the effects these changes had and how this impacted the way people lived. In groups, we then created posters to evidence our learning and presented this to the class.

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