Year 3 Update 11.6.21
11 Jun 2021
This week in English, we have been looking at non-chronological reports. As our new topic is Predator, we have been creating our own fictional creatures, thinking carefully about what they might eat, where they might live, what they look like, how they move and how they adapt to their environment or to protect themselves. After looking at the features of a non-chronological report, we created a plan for our writing.
We have continued to learn how to tell the time to the minute this week which has been a challenge that the children have embraced. Towards the end of the week we began to look at AM, PM and digital 24 hour clocks.
In Computing, the children loved creating a story board for their animations that they will be programming on Scratch over the next few weeks. In addition, we learned about places of worship in different religions and they loved sharing and listening to their own experiences of where and how others may worship. In French, Year 3 learned about different parts of the body too.