
Brady Primary Homework

28 Nov 2023

Children throughout the school are encouraged to continue their learning at home in a variety of ways including using online programmes. Some homework, especially in Key Stage 1, is set with the intention that it is done with the guidance of a parent.

As pupils move through the school, they will work more independently. However, all homework is most effective when supported by parental encouragement and supervision. As the homework set is intended to reinforce and support work that the child has done or is about to do in class, this is one of the most effective and easiest ways a parent can directly help their child at school.


Weekly homework

Half termly homework



Numbots / Times table rockstars

Topic homework map


Each week children will receive a set of spelling words to learn for their weekly spelling test. Please use your child’s log in to access the Spelling Shed website. https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/


Children will be given a banded book which they should read at home at least 5 times a week. These reads should be recorded in your child’s reading record.

Numbots / Timestable rockstars

In order to support your child with their Maths learning, please encourage children to log onto Timestable rockstars and practise regularly. https://play.ttrockstars.com/

Topic activities

On your child’s class page, you can find downloadable homework maps of homework suggestions for the topics your child will study each half term. Please note: these activities are not mandatory. However, we have found that pupils are excited by the freedom of choice and the creative format.


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Parental Consultations on Wednesday 26th March, 2025. Children do not attend school.
School will finish early on Friday 4th April. Children go home at 1:15pm.
Easter holidays: Monday 7th April - Monday 21st April inclusive.
Children return to school on Tuesday 22nd April.

(Please note, post, emails and voicemail messages are not monitored over holiday periods.)
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