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Spring 1 Week 4
Miss Skelton & Mrs Divall - 25 Jan 2024
This week we started our new topic Dangerous Dinosaurs!
We started the week by using a time machine to go on a very exciting pre-historic safari! We had to read different clues and find the next picture in the sequence. On our safari we found a volcano, dinosaur footprints and even a T-Rex. We received a very special letter from Professor Scout a famous Paleontologist! He asked us to look after his very special dinosaur eggs. We spoke about which type of dinosaur may be inside the egg and made it a very comfortable nest to sleep in.
On Tuesday we learnt the meaning of herbivore, omnivore and carnivore. A herbivore is a dinosaur that only eats plants. A carnivore is a dinosaur which only eats meat and an omnivore is a dinosaur who eats both! Yesterday, we drew our own dinosaur in our books. We tried really hard to label it and some of us even wrote a sentence. Some dinosaurs have horns and spikes, other dinosaurs have long necks and some can even fly! In Maths, we have been comparing shorter and longer. We compared the size of our feet to a T-Rex foot print! We drew around our feet and counted how many cubes it was. We also created our very own pictograph to explore which dinosaur is our favourite! The children chose from a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Brontosaurus, Pterodactyl and Triceratops.
Tomorrow it is National Geogrpahic Day. We will be comleting lots of different fun activities such as African drumming and flag making to celebrate this day.