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Reception Spring 1 Week 2
Mrs Divall and Miss Skelton - 11 Jan 2024
A great start to a new term!
This half-term we are taking part in a whole-school writing project based on the book ‘The Journey’. The book is all about a little girl who uses a magic red crayon to go on a special adventure.
So far, we have discussed different types of transportation, places, languages, religions and foods. We spoke all about where we would go if we could go anywhere in the world! We looked at different cities such as New York, Paris, Venice and London and drew and painted our own cities using watercolours.
In Maths, we have been exploring different ways to make 5. 4+1=5, 3+2=5
Lots of the children have been learning ‘red’ words within their phonics groups. These are words the children cannot sound out and have to learn to read by sight. These words include the, of, my and I. You can use the tricky words song to practise at home. https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=tricky+words+song&mid=B8391AF8AA74871971BFB8391AF8AA74871971BF&FORM=VIRE0&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dtricky%2bwords%2bsong%26form%3dANNTH1%26refig%3da681dac8e14b488faa162992936b483f%26pc%3dHCTS