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Reception Summer 1 Week 6
Miss Skelton - 24 May 2023
This week we had a visit from Miss Burgess! She came to complete our phonics assessment, we are all making very good progress and she was VERY impressed. Some of us will be in new groups with different teachers after half term.
In Maths, we have been cosildating our subtracting skills by counting backwards on a numberline. Most children have really understood this concept! Tomorrow and Friday we will be practising our number formation to 20 to ensure we are ready for year 1.
In Topic, we have been learning how to look after our world. Yesterday, we made posters and disucssed different ways to look after planet. The children had lots of amazing ideas. Tomorrow, we are learning about different cuisines and will be making our very own pizzas!
Remeber next week is half term, we hope you have a lovely and safe break!