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Reception Spring 2 Week 3
Miss Skelton - 08 Mar 2023
This week we have been learning our number bonds to 10. We are using a 10-frame and different coloured blocks to do this (e.g. 5 red and 5 blue = 10). We are focussing on understanding that a 10 frame totals 10 items when there is one item in each box. We are learning to write the number sentences and our teachers have noticed that lots of us are forming numbers the incorrect way around so we will be practising this next week in school. Any extra practise you can do at home would help your child. Particular problems seem to be 2,5,6 and 9. We will be learning to use numberlines to identify more/fewer than next week and also to add 1 more/1 less.
In RE this week we have learned about Holi Festival. We played with powder paint, colourful water and made beautiful bright bold posters.
In art this week we have made observational drawings of sunflowers, using a variety of different media. The children love our new displays! We have also all planted some sunflowers, peas and strawberries. We have more vegetables and flowers to plant over the next few days!
We have been watching the eggs in the incubator carefully and drew the eggs in our topic books. We are really egg-xited about meeting the baby chicks.