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2K Autumn 2 Week 11
24 Nov 2022
This week we have looked at onomatopoeia and using the suffix ‘ful’. We are using this learning to write poetry based on fireworks.
Building on from last week, we have continued to add and subtract. We have focused on exchanging tens and ones once we cross over ten with addition and subtraction.
Continuing with our topic of what humans need to be healthy we have designed a healthy meal using all the food groups. We have also learned about processed, fresh and precooked foods.
- Each child has been allocated a part for the KS1 nativity. Please do not send any costumes in before Monday 5th December as we don't have space to store 120 costumes for that long!
- Please ensure that your child has a suitable coat in school every day. Please be mindful that some coats/jackets are rated as shower resistant and some are showerproof. The latter is better for children who may find themselves out in the rain for a sustained period of time, such as walking to/from school.
- Just a gentle reminder that nail polish is not part of school uniform.