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Reception Aut 1 week 6
Miss Skelton - 13 Oct 2022
This week we have continued our phonics learning - g o c k u - please have a look at the homework sheets sent home over the weekend. The children are doing really well rememebering their sounds and with your extra help will keep this excellent progress up!
In maths, we have been learning about measuring length and using language such as taller/shorter. We have also been counting amounts of objects and identifiying which is more than and fewer than.
We had Dr Roop come to visit us. She taught us about brushing our teeth well, and why her job is very important. She talked to us about making healthy eating choices. She was amazing and we all loved her visit. We each had a toothbrush and paste to take home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1Fnb4iVf-c
We all absolutely loved our NeeNaw event. Everybody behaved beautifully and shared the toys and resources really well with their classmates. We said a big thank you to Paul and his colleague. It was amazing to have a chance to bring our learning about the community to life in the main school hall.